Carolina Grimaldi
- Languages : English
- Last Login : Nov 13, 2009
About Me
I was born in Mexico City in 1994. A week after that, my grandmother died of cancer. I dont know why but I've always thought that this in someway defines me as the one who came to inherit the last breath of life of my grandmother.
A year later my sister Mariana was born, we got along well and I always thought of her as a cool kid. Jaja, is weird cause I've never told her so.
Between, births, parties, holiday vacations, drawing, movies (Snow White and Mary Poppins were my favorite) a lot of trips to the beach and school, time passed by. I truly was happy.
I didn't notice the change of schools I made, from El Coralito to El Cadi, I didn't notice the growing illness of my grandfather, or the violence and problems inside my cousin's home either. Now that I know I would have prefer not to know about it since a lot of things that in the memory of a younger me were confusing take the form of cruel reality.
During those years I discovered that I loved to sing, so my sister and I gave concerts for our dolls sitting on the stairs. We were a duo, but a trio is always better.
So we asked mom for a new sibling, jaja it was so funny, we asked for it as if we could by her at any store.
Well, whatever, we got a new sister, whom at first we thought was boring since all she did was sleep, and eat. Mariana found her more interesting then I did
I again changed school now I was 5, I already knew how to read but for some odd reason, the psychologist decided to put me one grade bellow were I "developed other abilities". Anyways, it was fun, like being on vacation. You know doing drawings, circles, practicing our writing, reading, singing.... all year long.
Again time passed.
Andrea became more interesting, and somehow imperative. Mariana started playing with andrea instead of me, not that I minded much. I had my own friends, an driving hour away (yeah, that far I lived from my school).
I made a school trip, to Denver and studied there for a week. I really liked Denver.
My transition from kindergarden to primary school, was not that dramatic, until I met the multiplications, for me studying them was torture. But I discovered that I liked to read, so that was good.
I don't remember exactly when I became a bully and my school, it was a year before I changed schools again...I think.
The school I changed to, is the one I am right now. Instituto Thomas Jefferson. I made very good friend, you could say a best friend. Her name is Carla. I stopped being a bully and started having a better conduct.
Long story short. I have had a great time at Thomas Jefferson. I did it until my last year of middle school with average grades, but always trying to learn more.
hmmm what else?
Oh yeah! I had a nose operation, a reconstructive one (I dont do plastic) and In the past three years I have had three different houses.
My favorite color is blue, I like reading, writing, drawing and singing, I play the guitar, Im starting French lessons, my favorite bands are ; The Kooks, Cobra Starship, Coldplay, Los Bunkers, Los Odio!, ARBOL, and Jack's Mannequin and I don't have a favorite dish (I like food in general).